All Natural and tasty chicken dish

Here is a recipe that is all about knowing what you are eating!  No fillers, preservatives, thickeners etc, just natural, nourishing and amzingly tasty food:


1 packet of fresh organic uncooked mini breast chicken fillets
8 large organic vine ripened fresh tomatoes
1 dessert spoon of extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon of organic pesto
2 large handfuls of fresh basil leaves.
200ml water.
Himalayan or sea salt/ Pepper

Place chicken in casserole dish and sprinkle with Himalayan salt or sea salt and fresh black pepper.
Cut up all the tomatoes and place on top of the chicken.
Add the dessert spoon of olive oil and the teaspoon of pesto and mix into dish, turning over chicken and tomatoes.
Throw in three quarters of the fresh basil.

Put casserole lid on and bake in oven on gas mark 200C for 1.5-2 hours or until chicken is tender. 
Check after 1 hour and stir a little.
When cooked, add remainder of fresh basil and serve on a bed of fresh spinach or pak choi leaves.

Enjoy!!  Tastes amazing.. :))

Nourishing low carb and low cal smoothie recipe

Hey Guys,


Here is a delicious low carb and low calorie smoothie recipe for you to try:

1 heaped teaspoon  of Reshapeology Green powder

1 heaped teaspoon of Reshapeology  Hemp  Protein Power

250 ml of unsweetened almond milk

1 peeled and diced apple

1 /2 teaspoon of ground cinamon

stevia  to taste


Delicious !!! A  MUST  try. You may order the reshapeology Hemp and Green powder at  the following link:

Thought for the day..

Fitness starts in your mind.  It is the conscious decision that you make every day to be focused and disciplined when it comes to  eating healthy and exercising. That is what makes the difference.  Don’t wait for tomorrow because tomorrow never comes. Your health and fitness is so important, that each day you delay is a day wasted on achieving your true potential.  The Reshapeology 7 Day Detox Plan is the perfect way to start.  It cleans and rejuvenates your system and  you will lose weight easily , and feel great! Start today!!

Thought for the day..

Lack of nutrients is what makes you hungry.  Hunger  can be an indication of malnutrition.  That is why fast foods always leave you wanting more, since they are nutrient poor.  Think about the choices you make today. Check out Reshapeology’s 8 week weight loss mentoring program. It’s carefully designed to not only make you lose weight, but  nourish and satiate your body for lasting, healthy weight loss.


This morning when you get up and reach for the cereal, I’d like you to step back and have a think about the type of fuel/foods you are giving your body.
Infact, I’d like you to open all your cupboards and have a look at  how much, artificial, and highly processed food types you have.  These foods are the type that  have a long shelf life and taste great !!!  Jams, spreads, cereals, biscuits, packet /tinned foods and soups, are just a few to mention of the many out there. But,  simply put  – these foods are  just  filled with  preservatives, fillers, flavourings,etc. that are toxic and harmful to your body.  You are right-  the effects do not happen straight away, but over time, their effects on the efficiency of  your metabolism and health, will start to show themselves.

So, it is really about us all  going back to basics with our eating habits.  Try and buy fresh and organic,fruits, vegetables, meats, etc.  Foods that WILL go off after a couple of days if not refrigerated.  Also, start to only even consider food supplements derived from natural food sources and with minimal processing. This is the key.  Otherwise, you are just adding more sythnetic ingredients and chemicals to your already poor diet.

Think Clean and Eat Clean should be your motto going forward if you  are truly are passionate about reaching optimum health. Yes, of course every so often you can treat yourself to the foods you crave. What’s interesting though, is that the more you eat clean, the less you start to miss your old lifestyle and way of eating.  You will actually WANT to put these clean foods into your body! 🙂

This is the concept behind my Reshapeology supplement range.  All the supplements are minimally processed and derived froom the highest quality natural food sources.  This means that your body will actually absorb the nutrients properly and you will reap the benefits.   The Reshapeology 7 day Detox really concentrates on clearing out  your congested body, so  that your body can be receptive to the new nutrients you will give it going forward.
Sound a good idea??  I think you owe it to yourself.  Your body will thank you for it . 🙂

Thanks  for reading guys .. x

Health the way I see it ..

Today , I am sharing with you the concept of health as I see it.  in my opinion, there are 3 key parts to good health in any individual:
a)  Mental  health
b)  Physical health
c)  Emotional health.
Much of the emphasis in everyday media, usually stresses the physical health of someone being paramount to that person achieving better or optimal health. It seems to totally disregard emotional and mental health as being of any importance. 
In my experience, all three parts need to be connected and functioning properly for an individual to be classed as ‘Healthy’.  In other words, you cannot have a healthy mind without a healthy body or healthy emotions.  The three parts are inextricably linked and if any part is not functioning harmoniously, the other parts too will inevitably be affected.  Our mind and body are so closely connected that when one is affected there is bound to be repercussions on another..  For instance, when we suffer a significant amount of emotional stress , we find that our energy levels drop, our muscles ache quicker, our Posted on Leave a comment on Health the way I see it ..