Today, I want to look at  the importance of  BALANCE in our lives.
The reason I urge you all to take note is because imbalance in our body  leads to a gradual depeletion of energy.  We are all so busy multi tasking, working harder, caught up in the ‘I must have more’ mind set.   Then complete burn out and exhaustion creeps up on you.
You really do have to start listening to your body. Pay attention to the signs that tell you all is not good and let your body have a chance to recharge.
 Imbalance depletes your energy. Note also the other common energy blockers that enhance  imbalances within the body are :
Not gettting enough exercise,
Eating too much sugary foods,
Living on junk and highly processed food.
All of these add to the problem because they create disrupt  the bodies own biochemistry, depleting it of essential minerals and trace elements needed to produce energy.

When you dont have balance, you will find that soon enough you dont have energy.  When you dont have energy you will find that your atttitude and mood changes, that you find life harder than it should be. Your life can be whatever you want it to be. You just have to nurture and pay attention to the vessel ( your body) and then the rewards will be greater than you imagined!!

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