Today I woke up to the a beautiful, sunny morning.
Early morning is my favorite time of day. The sounds of nature swirl in the morning air, and the magical glow of sunlight, illuminates the clear blue skies in the most spectacular way.
I t is at this time of day especially, I get this warm sort of fuzzy feeling. For some reason I feel everythng is new, hopeful and inspiring . I feel elated, and start my day believing that anything is possible.
I can remember that this feeling I have now, is the same kind of feeling that I had as a child. I remember playing games in the school fields, paddling through streams, even climbing trees, and certainly making daisy chains without a care in the world. I’d wake up and feel energized-jumping out of bed with boundless enthusiasm. Nothing really to stress about, just a feeling of pure excitement,, simplicity and happiness.
It’s this feeling that stands to remind us is what life should be about. In another hour or so, the world once again starts to take over. All the hussle, chaos stresses and noise will return . Once again, this day will be consumed by all the other things that we are conditioned to think are more important. Unfortunately, we are so caught up in this rut, that we fail to pay attention to what really matters- ourselves and our health. All our extra burdens, overshadow our own priorities. We eat and drink poorly, neglect the importance of exercise and true well being. Ironically this behavior takes us further and further away from the feelings of happiness that we are searching for.
I believe we are all searching for that feeling I described above. Freedom, happiness, hope and truth. I think these words will connect with some of you who are reading this. And, I can help you start today to get closer to regaining some control over your life, so that you have the perfect chance to experience these feelings once again.
A healthy body, and a healthy mind, a healthy spirit all need to be nurtured. They all must work harmoniously together for true health. If one aspect is out of sync, then you will lose any hope in this area, and you will feel out of control. Your goals will overwhelm you, and they will seem impossible.
I’m here to tell you it only starts with a slight mind shift. This is the key to the start of a new ‘ YOU’. When your body feels in peak condition, when your mind starts to prioritize your personal needs over work stresses, financial pressures, materialistic ventures etc, when your spirit and emotional self feel at peace and balanced , you will see that you will start to feel sudden surges of energy and elation.
It’s never too late. Start to think about your mind and body differently today. Try to remember , how it would feel to have the same boundless energy you had a child. Start to want that back. Start thinking about your food choices, making time to exercise more, making time to relax, making time, to just sit and do nothing.
It’s only when you start to concentrate on what’s really going on inside, that you start to get to unleash your true soul once again. Once you start listening, it all starts to make sense.