Detox Retreats

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The ‘Reshapeology Retreat’ is  weekend long retreat in the beautiful location of the Algarve Portugal.

Set in an idyllic villa/5 star  Hotel location, the Reshapeology Retreat promises you to return to your home refreshed and recharged and en route to your new shape!

Not only will you enjoy  a menu of fat burning and nutritious foods , but this Retreat also has an added bonus.   During your weekend  stay you will have the option to learn the secrets of the  ‘Reshapeology Program’.  Each day the  Reshapeology Retreat will feature an exercise session  designed to reshape specific areas of  your body.  You will learn how to get  a sleek and toned  hips and thighs, totally toned abs and dancers  like arms. Emerging elegant, strong and sexy!   All  these moves you can take home with you. Watch how they will continue to reshape your body , day by day!!!

A typical Reshapeology Weekend Retreat Schedule is as follows:

  • Breakfast featuring Reshapeology’s Green Detox Super foods, Fresh Organic Fruits, Fresh Protein Power Shake
  • Lunchtime- An Exquisite menu of youth boosting and nutritious foods.
  • LATE AFTERNOON – Bottom and thigh reshaping moves/ Core conditioning, Arm shaping
  • Dinner  – Fresh vegetable juices and an array of fresh fish, meats, poultry and organic, great tasting vegetables


For pricing information/ to reserve you place on the next weekend  retreat ,  please email : anouk

For Hotels wishing to host a Detox Retreat for their guests, please contact 001-7764-660286/



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