A New Day..

I woke up very early today to the most beautiful sunny morning. It’s my favorite time and type of day, because for a moment, everything is perfect and still, the morning air is calm and peaceful, and the sunlight lights up the clear blue skies in the most special way.  I get this warm sort of fuzzy feeling inside. I feel excited, energised  at the prospect of this new day.  Like anything is possible. Like I’m filled with  hope.
I think the reason I connect  to this type of day, is because it sends me into a sort of day dream.  I immediately remember that this feeling I have now, is the same kind of feeling I had pretty much every day as a child.   I remember playing sports/games  in the fields, paddling through streams,  making daisy chains and every other thing I used to do then on a summers day.  I’d wake up and feel elated, just because it was morning, a new start. No cares in the world other, no responsibilities to stress about, just a feeling of excitement, of freedom, simplicity and happiness.

Why, is it relevant to what I’m thinking about today you may wonder..?
Well, I think it’s days like this that  hopefully remind us what life should be about.  In another hour or so, when the world starts to take over this beautiful early spring morning, all the hussle, stress and noise will return and once again . This day will be consumed by all the other things that we think are more important.  We are so caught up  in this rut that we fail to pay attention to what really matters- ourselves and our health.  All our extra burdens, overshadow our own priorities. We eat and drink poorly, neglect the importance of exercise and wellbeing, and  ironically this behaviour takes us further and further away from the feelings of happiness that we are searching for.  I believe we are all searching for that feeling I described above.  Freedom, happiness and hope.   I think these words will connect with some of you who read this.  And, I can help you start today to get closer to regaining some control over your life, so that you have the perfect chance to experience these once again.  A healthy body, is the key to a healthy mind and vice versa.  If one aspect is out of synch, then you will lose any hope in this area and you will  feel out of control. Your goals overwhelm you, and they seem  impossible.

I’m here to tell you it only starts with a slight mind shift to make this the start of a new YOU.  When your body feels in peak condition, when your mind starts to prioritise your personal needs over work stresses, financial pressures, materialistic ventures etc, you will see that you will start to feel sudden surges of the energy and elation I describe above. Start to think about your body differently.  Try to remember , how it  would feel  to have the same boundless energy you had a child.  Start today to want that back.  Start thinking about your food choices, making time to exercise  more, making time to relax, making time to just sit and do nothing. It’s only when you start to concentrate on what’s really going on inside, that you start to get to know the real you once again. Once you start listening, it all starts to make sense.)

Thanks for reading. x

Key nutrients and weight loss

  Today’s  note is about recognising the importance of  maintaining optimum nutrition, whilst pursuing your weight loss goals.
For example, if you are deficient in any key vitamins/ micronutrients, your body primarily gives you warning signs such as fatigue, illness,lack of concentration, poor quality sleep etc.  This is indicative of your body not being able to function at its best, and therefore you don’t feel as good as you should.

Micronutrients are a key part of nutrition, and while they are not directly related to Reshapeology 8 week Mentoring Program is different.  It is about  not just losing weight , but making sure that your body is revitalised with essential micronutrients to keep your body functioning at its best.  It allows your metabolism to soar at it’s best because key nutrients  are available to facilitate it’s function. 

So, if you are thinking about choosing a  weight loss program to follow, remember that your journey should be guaranteed success, with a weight loss program that considers your nutritional needs.

Thanks for reading and good wishes to you all.. 🙂

  Today’s  note is about recognising the importance of  maintaining optimum nutrition, whilst pursuing your weight loss goals.
If you think about it, if you are deficient in any vitamin/ micronutrient, your body primarily gives you warning signs such as fatigue, illness, lack of concentration, poor quality sleep etc.  This is indicative of your body not being able to function at its best, and consequently, you don’t feel as good as you should.

Micronutrients are a key part of nutrition, and while many people would not directly relate them to Reshapeology 8 week Mentoring Program is different.  It is about  not just losing weight , but making sure that your body is revitalised with essential micronutrients to keep your body functioning at its best.  It allows your metabolism to soar, because key nutrients are available to facilitate it’s function.  So, if you are thinking about choosing a  weight loss program to follow, remember that your journey can be made easier by following a weight loss program that considers nutrition.  Nutrition should never be compromised if you truly want to reach your goals.. 

Thanks for reading. All good wishes to you all.


‘The difference between someone who is in shape and someone who is out of shape, is that the individual who is in shape, exercises even when they dont want to…  ‘  Is this true??

Well, what is true is that life is all about ‘choices’.  It is about making changes if you are truly unhappy with something about your life. 

So, when it comes to being  healthy and in shape, it’s about putting youself first and not allowing the usual excuses to keep you from pursuing your goals. Work pressures, a hectic schedule,  lack of energy, etc. are all real  and exist  BUT…  should never stop you day in day out from prioritising your health. Remember, true wealth is health always..

So, if this is  the day that you decide to choose to be healthy and get your body back in shape, here are some simple pointers:

 It is about learning some discipline when it comes to your food choices and portion control.
 It is about sticking to an exercise program and yes, exercising even on the days  you feel you don’t want to.
 It is about knowing that all your hard work will be rewarded directly to you, each and every day.
 It is about respecting the value of being healthy

What you have to know  is that one you make any key decision to change,  it really can be life changing.  If  you have always longed to have the body of your dreams, it  becomes possible, just from the new choices you are now deciding to make.
 It really is all in your reach.YOU possess the power in you to change today.  Make that choice.

All  good wishes and thanks for reading..:)  

Important choices re.what you drink ..

While the whole world is so busy telling us constantly about what is good to eat and what is not, they seem to be missing a piece in the puzzle…
Here’s the piece…  What you choose to drink on a regular basis, is in fact just as important as the foods we eat.  Once upon a time  there were so fewer choices in both food and drink and so much less processed and refined foods.  The benefits of this were that  our human bodies were not so dangerously damaged and affected as they are today. Unfortunately today, society is plagued with individuals who are insulin resistant, leptin resistant, diabetic, or with metabolic X syndrome.  These disorders  are all a cumulative consequence of too much processed and refined foods and drinks. They have simply overloaded their systems so much with these choices that the body gives up functioning as normal and starts to retain weight and to malfunction. Therefore it makes it very tough for someone to Posted on Leave a comment on Important choices re.what you drink ..


You know you must be doing something right, when you wake up every morning with lots of natural energy! This is just another benefit of exercising regularly, – it regulates your whole system. Start today! 🙂


It’s true what they say about every individual out there having the innate power to bring changes to their life.  And, on that note – I know that the same applies concerning each individuals personal  ability to change and achieve their physical goals including :-  their likes and dislikes about their body shape, their struggle with maintaining or even starting Posted on Leave a comment on APRIL POWER!


I’ve been thinking for sometime about the importance of living life to our full potential..
It is pretty clear to me that to live fully we need to have the correct energy to do so. Diet, lifestyle, stresses, expectations, workplaces etc , all drain us of our energy sources and gradually over time, they are steadily depleted. We are left demotivated and unenthused mainly because our natural energy has been cut short.
Of course, I am going to emphasise the importance of eating right to balance and maintain your wellbeing and energy. Our food choices ALWAYS affect our state of mind, our moods and hence our behaviour . As far as I see it we are all living on stimulus foods- sugar, refined carbohydrates, far too many cereals and grains, processed food and drinks etc. Because our bodies are loaded with all these unnatural substances and the chemicals to preserve or enhance their tastes, we become quickly addicted to them and we also get used to thinking this stimulus energy they give us is REAL. And there you have it… We exist in overdrive because we consume these things like drugs and they allow us to function fast because they stimulate our autonomous nervous system. The problem is that this can never last. It drives your body into a stare of exhaustion and then eventually disease and illness. So, learning to live without these bad food choices is the key.. If you try to eliminate all these foods and replace them with good quality organic proteins , green leafy vegetables, low GI fruits etc soon it will all become clear as your mind becomes clear too. The first week of elimination will be so tough! You will feel exhausted , hungry , experience cravings , desperation etc – yes like experiencing drug withdrawal. You will then start to realise too that your energy was FALSE based on the foods you were consuming. They simply masked your exhaustion and kept you going . This elimination process allows you to rebuild your energy levels naturally and healthily. Very soon you will start to have amazing energy again but at the same time feel calmer and more balanced. No stimulants other than your own true motivation because you are realising your true potential again as you respect your body and nourish it properly. In my opinion this is key to all you do. You will NEVER look back .. x